A trade fair for stage productions, music and events

The Internationale Kulturbörse Freiburg (IKF) is a trade fair for stage productions, music and events with live performances by artists and an extensive exhibition area. First held in 1989 at the Bürgerhaus Seepark convention centre, the IKF has been at home since 2001 on the Messe Freiburg exhibition grounds.

The fundamental idea of the IKF was and is as simple as it is compelling. Promoters, producers and event professionals have the opportunity at the IKF to experience numerous different productions and artists live in a concentrated form over the course of just a few days. At the same time, the artists themselves or the agencies representing them can introduce themselves with a stand in the exhibition hall, regardless of whether they are also presenting a live performance.


Pantomime artists at the fair

Duo Mimikry

Duo Mimikry is a visual comedy and mime duo from Berlin, Germany. Elias Elastisch and Nicolas Rocher. They are storytellers, just like Marcel Marceau, the most famous of all, used to be. mime! Elias Elastisch and Nicolas Rocher

Duo Diagonal

Founded in 1999, Duo Diagonal combines mime, physical comedy and contemporary clown art. The heart of their productions is visual theatre, but they also incorporate language and music.

To date they created the feature-length productions „Lolo Zng – a galactic evening“, „Glamour & Disaster“ and „Branka & Roger“, as well as several shorter and mobile performances.

Beside their stage performances they create
• site-specific productions, like a theatrical tour through the Ruhrland Museum (2000-2002)
• video productions, like the music-video „Du bringst mich um…“ together with singer-songwriter Johanna Zeul (2020)
• unique formats, like „The Smallest Cabaret on Earth“, a 5-minute-extravaganza in a small tent for for eight guests per show (premiered 2019)

The germany-based Duo Diagonal tours internationally and performed in Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong, Netherlands, Germany, Austria, Italy, Rumania, Poland and Switzerland.

Their productions have been awarded a.o. at KölnComedyFestival („Kölner Applaus 2019“), Internationales Usedomer Kleinkunstfestival, Heilbronner Lorbeeren.

Orit Guttman and Roberto Gerboles

Ladri di Sogni

It is the fabulous story of Fairy and Fito, characters belonging to the world of dreams.
Caught stealing dreams, from the entity that produces them, our greedy characters will be expelled and
condemned to live in the real world… all to be discovered…

A dreamlike show, full of comedy where the poetry of the mime intertwines with the astuteness destined to fail, typical of clownish comedy, in a poetic context, where the shadows open their eyes to a magical world that is sometimes distant… but always present in each of us.

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The mime Marceau would be 100 years old

The mime Marceau would be 100 years old: a stamp bearing his effigy published by the Post Office in Boulazac

Pantomime Legend Marcel Marceau

Ben Martin covered wars, fashion, politics, arts, business and sports for Time, Life, Fortune, People and Sports Illustrated for 33 years. He covered Martin Luther King’s Selma March, the first Nixon-Kennedy Presidential debate, Fidel Castro in Cuba and “Swinging London,” capturing “evocative images that defined the 1960s,” according to the New York Times.

The Internationale Kulturbörse Freiburg

A trade fair for stage productions, music and events The Internationale Kulturbörse Freiburg (IKF)...

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